MiTaxCPA . Hakim & Co
A Firm You Can (A)Count On
Tax Services for Individuals
As the saying goes, there are two things certain in life: death and taxes.
During tax season, it’s hard to say which is worse… Some of us would be quite tempted to exchange the latter for the former.
Because of how painful it can be, the benefits of working with a professional are pretty clear. We maximize your returns and itemized deductions, do all of the work and filing for you, and ensure that everything is by the books.
But many individuals don’t come to this realization until it’s too late. They put off taxes, make mistakes, and end up with unfiled returns and/or tax debt.
If that’s the position you find yourself in, we’re here to help you get everything sorted so that you can shed the burden that comes with these serious tax problems.
Regardless of whether you find yourself in this spot or you’re simply looking for the best tax accountant services in Bloomfield, we’d love to be of service.
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If you’re ready to discuss your situation, schedule a free consultation today.
Personal Tax Services We Offer
Tax Preparation
Tax prep is complicated. Even if you have a relatively simple return, and even if you use an online service for filing, you probably still click that submit button wondering if you did everything correctly, or if you took advantage of all of the deductions that are available to you. That’s why working with a professional is an ideal scenario. Not only will we optimize your benefits, but we’ll also file your return electronically so that you can still get your return quickly.
Tax Consulting & Planning
If you have a significant amount of wealth and assets, simple tax prep work is not enough. If you’re looking to minimize your taxes, it takes a comprehensive strategy that involves how you manage your assets, split up income, approach your investments, and much more. But tax law is not easy to understand and it takes serious dedication to staying on top of existing and new laws, as well as reliable practices for keeping taxes low. We employ a number of techniques and strategies to make sure that we’re maximizing your wealth, and we’d love the opportunity to discuss your situation.
Tax Debt Relief
Owing money to the IRS is not a fun situation to find yourself in. Because of how complicated it can be, and the mounting interest, it’s hard to know what to do if you can’t simply write a check to pay what you owe. Luckily, there are options available to you. The important this is that you don’t put it off, which will simply result in owing more than you currently do. The IRS might even go to greater extremes by filing liens or levies, attempting to get what you owe. Don’t wait for it to get worse, get in touch with us today.
Unfiled Tax Returns
It doesn’t seem that unfiled tax returns should be as serious as they are, being that it’s so easy to simply not do them. But don’t let that confuse the issue. Unfiled returns are much worse than tax debt, and can result in jail time (up to a year for each year not filed). Having that hanging over your head is not good, and many find themselves with fingers always crossed, hoping the IRS doesn’t find them. But, the good news is that, if you voluntarily file your delinquent returns, you can avoid – or at least lessen the seriousness of – penalties and charges against you.
Don’t Face Taxes on Your Own
It’s unfortunate that taxes have become so complicated in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean that it’s any less important to do properly. That’s why working with a professional is so important.
In the tax world, knowledge is power. The more you understand the law, along with the strategies and practices available to minimize taxes, the better off you are. It’s simply not realistic to think that a layman is going to have the time or resources to understand it all, which is exactly why we’re here for you.
We obsess over tax law, and we love helping individuals in Bloomfield manage their tax situations. We can’t promise that you’ll actually enjoy the process, but we certainly make it much less painful while also ensuring your legal compliance. Get in touch today.